Provision for Renting an external site (kiosk - external cart) for the activity (providing food and drinks) on the external sidewalk of the college parking lot Renting an existing internal site for the activity (providing food and drinks) in Building No. (82) of the Basiya Student Housing Renting an existing internal site for the activity (providing food and drinks) in Building No. (83) of the Basiya Female Student Housing Renting existing internal sites (self-selling places) for the activity (providing food and drinks) in the college buildings No.: (B80 - B82.2 - B82.4 - B83.1 - B86 - 13235 - 8206) Renting an existing internal site for the activity (healthy restaurant) in the main building No. (0 8) in front of the main cultural activity hall at the college Renting internal sites (self-selling machines) for the activity (non-prescription drugs and personal care products) in the college buildings No.: (13235 - B80)
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